Monday Mickey Mystery

Monday Mickey Mystery #11 – Update

Mickey Mouse. A Walt Disney World icon and symbol. You see him absolutely everywhere… on every package, bag, and sign, even in person! But do you pay attention to where Mickey is and remember? That’s why we have these Monday Mickey Mysteries….

WDW Parkhoppers apologizes for the delay, but our leader (and webmaster) Parkhopper John is traveling for work, and is suffering from lack of internet. So this week’s Mystery is going out VERY late! But then again, EVERY day is a great day for a Mickey Mouse mystery, right?

This image comes from SOMEWHERE inside one of the four parks…Do YOU know where this mickey is from? Bonus points if you know who’s knee he’s sitting upon…

We had a TON of great answers from all over and they were all correct – this is the Mickey Mouse from “One Man’s Dream” at Disney’s Hollywood Studios.  Great job guys!!  Thanks for spending some time with us!

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Mickey Mouse from One Man's Dream at Disney's Hollywood Studios

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