Disney Resorts,  Monday Mickey Mystery

Monday Mickey Mystery #36-Updated

Mickey Mouse – you know him and love him and he is EVERYWHERE on Walt Disney World property…but do you always pay attention to all the different places he pops up?  We do these Monday Mickey Mysteries to see how well you remember all those Mickeys!

This Mickey is located SOMEWHERE on property, leave us a comment and let us know where YOU think this Mickey Mouse is from!

Monday Mickey Mouse Mystery Mickey Mouse Walt Disney World Resort

It didn’t take too long for our good friend Betsy Bates (@floridamingo on Twitter) to recognize this Mickey from Kouzzina at Disney’s Boarkwalk Resort.  Great job Betsy!  And thanks to everyone for playing and we look forward to next week’s Monday mickey Mystery!

Monday Mickey Mouse Mystery Kouzzina Disney's Boardwalk Resort

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